Benefits Of Background Verification Checks API Integration

Benefits Of Background Verification Checks API Integration


Conducting Background Checks for a potential employee is one of the integral processes of a successful organization. An intelligent and flexible screening solution transforms the overall experience of HR personnel as well as candidates empowering them to gain from its seamless user experience.

APIs have become the life-force that ensures continuously automated data interactions between different systems and platforms. Many Background check companies may not offer access to APIs making it a painful experience caused by legacy deployments in which they have heavily invested. And despite its existence, the “integration points” sometimes can be limiting for organizations to gain optimum advantage of third-party systems.

An API is responsible for making the solution extensive which leads to a rich set of features, topped up with a high-speed platform access and efficient management of the security of the platform. It also ensures that only the required communication between independent systems is maintained and stored. An API also reinstates the terms of compliance and interoperability.

Benefits of API based integration with cFIRST

APIs are quite useful in the way they help in coordinating between your HRMS and cFIRST platform.

Less turnaround time :

During the entire flow of candidate from your HRMS into our platform, a lot of data needs to be exchanged between two systems which continues to take place in background, by automatically catering to the effort of an HR personnel like accessing the candidate data, sending back updates, reporting, and therefore reducing time.

Data Transition :

An API layer allows a business to decouple its information access and flows from actual business systems and in turn, enabling the host system to communicate in multiple formats of data through a single interface without having to worry about the actual structure based on which people and other applications access data.

Scalability &cross platform support :

With emerging need for cross platform scalability an API based integration enables seamless flow of data and information between apps and devices thus embracing mobile and web applications support.

Secure channel :

APIs bring together varied systems and provide a platform that exposes data securely in a useful way to internal and external developers and applications, as well as to partners and customers. It also acts as an actual doorway to expose and manage APIs that are exclusively selected externally to customers and partners.

Multiple logins :

You no longer have to visit and log in to cFIRST platform to check the status of your candidate background check progress, our platform automatically sends out alerts to the respective teams when candidates submit documents, information related to their background check creating a real-time workflow between you and cFIRST. You can also initiate conversation with these candidates and request additional information.